Most of the time when I ask to interview someone I leave it out of my mind if they'll respond or not.
If they do I think, "okay, this could be interesting."
When I interviewed horror actress and staff writer at
GoreZone Magazine, Suzi Lorraine, I didn't know what to expect.
When I heard back from her though, with the images she's approved for the interview, my God.
Just take a look.
Now this is going to be a fun interview!
1. What’s the appeal of being an actress?It's about the same appeal as being a coroner or an embalmer. Gotta cut through all the crap to get to the real meat of the story. Acting is as much a business as it is an art. Success is determined in part by being in the right place at the right time. This is just as important as talent. As an actor, you have to weed out the fast talkers and wanna-bees from the legitimate opportunities. Seriously though, what drew me to acting was the desire to lose myself in the characters I portray. It's such a wild feeling when you identify with the character so much that you actually become the character. I remember being in a Scene Study class when I was first starting out, and I was doing a scene in the middle of the group. All of the other actors were sitting in a circle around me during my "read". After finishing the scene, I realized that I was so lost in the character and the other actor I was working with, that I didn't even notice the classmates that surrounded me. Crazy stuff! As an actor, you get to live vicariously through all types of
characters/people - the good, bad, and ugly! And don’t forget the deadly! ;-)
2. What has been your favourite role so far?Playing Little Wing in "Won Ton Baby!". She's clumsy, cute, funny, dense, delusional, and endearing. Plus she speaks with a broken Chinese accent, which was a riot to attempt! She definitely lent herself well to slapstick comedy. To give you some background, "Won Ton Baby!" is a heartwarming story about a chubby Asian devil baby (parasitic twin) with an Elvis pompadour who goes on a killing spree in a brothel turned Chinese restaurant. For you horror aficionados, the film also stars the legendary Debbie
Rochon and
Gunnar Hansen! This was my first time behind the camera. I co-produced and assistant directed the film. Thus far, we've screened at film festivals in the UK, Italy, US, Australia, and Brazil. Watch out for "Won Ton Baby!" at a theatre near you!
3. Is there an interesting story you can tell us about your time on the set of a film?When we were shooting "Won Ton Baby!", it was a SAG signatory film. This means that it's a union film, and therefore must abide by all applicable union laws. We had a little mouse on set for one of the days. All he had to do was scurry across the living room floor. That particular day of shooting, a representative from the American Humane Society showed up, driving about 2 hours to get to the set in order to monitor the "treatment" of the mouse. He examined the mouse, and made notes as he was inspecting his cage. He stayed with us all day, and at the end he shared with us our score. Yes, we were actually "rated" on the treatment of said mouse! He said we gained points for naming the mouse and giving her a forever home (Our DP adopted her and named her Lulu). We also gained points for having a posh cage for her, with all the things that rats dream of. We lost points, however, due to the fact that we struggled to wrangle the mouse after the scene was complete, and because she bit someone. He said this was because she was unduly "stressed" from the experience. So the good news is, our score allowed us to use the disclaimer "No animals were harmed during the production of the film". Good times!
4. Can you please tell us a bit about your modelling work?I've been modelling for about 10 years now. My modelling gigs have run the gamut from the ultra conservative to completely over the top and crazy. I've done everything from knitting catalogs and Macy's bridal shows to crazy fashion/fetish layouts in Marquis Magazine . Not to mention a bunch of horror themed photo shoots for the magazines I work for. I've been published in Esquire,
GQ, Modern Bride, and horror magazines such as
Gorezone, Blood Ceremony, Horror Mania, and Femme
Fatales. You can check out the pics at I'm also a staff writer for
Gorezone Magazine and Blood Ceremony Magazine.
5. What would be a dream role for you?I'd love to work on anything with Frank
Henenlotter. He is my hero! I am a huge "Basket Case" fan. Another dream role would be to work in any capacity with Christopher
Walken. Love his very unique acting work and his perverse sense of humor. No matter what movie he's in, he has such charisma and stage presence that he steals the scene!
6. What’s coming up next for you?A tasty salmon dinner. ;-) Beyond that, I'm headed to Montreal this summer/fall to shoot the sequel to "Bikini Girls On Ice", entitled "Pin Up Girls On Ice". It's about a touring pin up musical act (think Pussycat Dolls) whose journeys take them to a resort town where they're scheduled for a performance.
All's well that
doesn’t' end well!
Also, this year look for the release of a fantasy film I shot in Italy entitled "Kingdom of Gladiators". It is directed by Stefano
Milla. We filmed in northern Italy, in beautiful castles, caves, and historic cities. I played one of the female leads - "
Hel" - the Queen of Darkness. Go figure… Here's a link to the official trailer:
7. Is there an event or charity you would like to bring to my readers’ attention?Yes! Please support your local animal shelters, and adopt homeless animals rather than buying from breeders. There are so many homeless pets languishing in cages in shelters. Do the right thing, and be a lifesaver for these wonderful furry critters. I adopted both of my cats from local shelters I found
thru There's nothing better than coming home and being greeted by my precious little beasts!

For more on Suzi's work check out her
IMDb page at even still, check out the very cool Gore Zone Magazine website at you enjoyed the interview. Feel free to leave a comment below.
Until next time!