Monday, January 24, 2011

Interview with... Lisa London

I was literally in shock when I discovered my next interviewee agreed to answering a few questions.
I first saw Lisa London's work in the 1979's film H.O.T.S., in which Lisa played the part of O'Hara.
They certainly don't make movies like that anymore!

Lisa soon progressed further into films such as The Godson starring Rodney Dangerfield, The Indian, and Sudden Impact starring Clint Eastwood.

It is with great pleasure that I bring to you my interview with Lisa London.

1. For you, what is the appeal of being an actress?

I have always wanted to be an actress since I was born - it is more an irresistible calling than an option for me!

2. You certainly appear to be having fun on set. What’s it like to shoot a movie?

I do enjoy being on the set - it feels like I belong to a great big wonderful crazy family - a group of strangers that are all trying to make this monster called a movie or a play - and we bond and sometimes remain in each others' lives.

3. What has been your favourite role so far?

My favorite role changes for different reasons - can't beat working with Clint Eastwood..... Johnny Depp was great too - and just did Law & Order :SVU - a top show in USA and that was amazing - filming in New York is so exciting. Excited about my last film, Boy Toy which comes out soon!

4. What work have you done outside of film?

I was a sportscaster and sportswriter. I owned a restaurant with my sisters. I sing and had a major record deal. I was a masseuse in high school.

5. What would be an dream role for you?

Dream role would be one where I could reach my potential - opposite a major male star.

6. What’s coming up next?

My next role is in a movie called Less Than a Whisper - a ghost tale. And I will be involved in producing a couple films that could happen in 2011. And a big probability I will hopefully return to the stage and back on Law & Order :SVU again this year too!

7. Is there an event or charity you would like to bring to my readers’ attention?

I support many childrens' charities so urge people to donate to any charity or organization that helps children. And please support my theatre group - The Actorhood!

Thank Lisa for her time with this interview, and of course I wish her all the best.

For more of Lisa's work please check out the following sites
Lisa's has also asked me to make mention of the following;
The Robb Company, Los Angeles, CA USA 1+424-202-3695

If you'd like to make a comment about this interview please feel free to below.I welcome all comments and feedback.
Until next time!


  1. cool chick, cool intereview

  2. One of my absolute faves in the whole wide world of entertainment!

  3. i've seen lisa's work on stage and was mesmerrized
    ive also seen her talk shop
    producer wize
    she a force to be recognized

  4. Sean Strebin
    410 Country Lane
    Kokomo, In 46902

    Do you have a class C F.C.C. operator's license? You will be
    fined for wire fraud. The Federal Communications Commission and
    the Canadian Broadcasting Company in Canada are fining illegal
    broadcasters and producers and seizing the equipment. Do you
    have any other telephony devices or transmitting equipment? Did
    you make any broadcasts on December 25, 2011? Fugitives Charles
    Sandoval (aka Paauwee), Fitzgerald, Christmas, Parvin, Mashaud,
    Henry, and Able were found impersonating law enforcement
    officers at the Kokomo Sheriff Department. They were using ham
    operating transmitters. The Howard County Sheriff Department
    failed to report numerous fines and bails to the Howard
    County Clerk's Office. City and State taxes were never
    collected on those arrests and bails. The report was turned
    over to the FBI in D.C..

    Indiana Department of Corrections and penal institutions
    in other states are racketeering against names in D.C.. Women
    with names similar to previous politicians or government
    officials were illegally incarcerated. For example, Monica
    Bateman, Victoria Nevarez, Angela Omans, Anne Funk, Tawnya
    Munro, Lisa Wilkey, Debra Culver, Athena Burdick, and
    Jill Pennoyer, have been waiting for release for years. What
    cabinet people can you name? Sherman Funk and Paul Bateman
    served in the '86 period. Due to financial strains on Indiana’s
    state budget, shutting down the female prisons in Indianapolis
    and Rockville was suggested to departments in D.C..

    Greg Hendrickson, Utah, was found operating illegal ham
    units and impersonating an F.C.C. engineer. He was using the
    F.C.C. website email. His associate, Steven Whitehead, was found
    using ham systems as far back as 1998. He was involved in
    stalking and harassment of Hollywood actresses and workers.
    Whitehead had problems paying Tasha Brown, and other women
    employees of ethnic background. Groups around the country have been using ham radio systems and other transnmissiion devices which can effect your phone lines and other electronic transmissions in the United States. These men may be responsible for
    the September 11 crashes. Steven Whitehead, one of his aliases,
    mentioned his father worked for Jet Propulsion Laboratory. His
    father was retired and writing computer software programs.
    Whitehead may have been involved with Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    Amateur Radio Club which made illegal broadcasts in the past.
    This club was involved in several illegal banking transactions.
    Bob Dengler and Bill Woods of J.P.L.A.R.C were cited and fined
    by the F.C.C.. This group caused problems for NASA going back to
    1972. Their followers may be responsible for destroying the
    communication system in the United States and Canada. This may
    be the group behind the Y2K scandal in California. The U.S.
    military made the arrests.

    The F.C.C. is investigating public utilities fraud and 2-3
    way party calling wire fraud. The Hollywood Reporter in Los
    Angeles, California reported that Michael Powell tried to pass a
    law stating 2-3 way party calling is legal. Everyone or anyone
    can listen to your phone calls. The F.C.C. website is fraud and
    is being treated as such. Do not call the illegal broadcaster.
    The F.C.C. plans an audit of television stations and radio
    stations across the United States. This will stop some
    intellectual property fraud occurring with several illegal
    broadcasters. California and Illinois have destroyed TV and
    radio stations including KMET-FM and the 'Pirate' in Los Angeles
    and WNIB-FM and WBLZ-FM in Chicago. There are three white stolen
    electrical trucks in the state of Indiana which may be
    associated with Duke Electric.

    Sean Strebin, F.C.C. Engineer, East Coast
