For today's interview I bring you a stunt worker, actor, and body builder.
Of course I'm referring to Rey-Phillip Vivas Santos.
Rey-Phillip has worked on projects such as Blade 2, through to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
We discuss a range of topics, not simply about film and tv work.

1. What is it about physical fitness that appeals to you?
With me its the sense of achievement after finishing a tough workout. This also included confidence, health in your body feeling and looking better, seeing yourself improve week by week, pushing others, and also relieve stress. More importantly it helps for physical & mental well being.
2. Obesity and weight issues are something really taking hold on a lot of lives. How do you think physical fitness can become appealing for young people again?
Physical activity interventions may be effective in the development of healthy lifestyle behaviors among adolescents & young adults that will then translate into reduced risk for many chronic diseases and cancer. Any physical fitness can be dancing, local gym martial arts, and school sports (join a school team)
3. How did you get involved with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?
I already had a competed in maritial arts championships before getting into entertainment so it was natural to get into acting and stunts. I first worked as a production assistant on set then eventually got hired assisting with stunts.

4. Please describe your time on the set of the show.
Fun but also It is very physically and mentally demanding with long days. It is never nine to five, One day you are going to work and you are doing fights, the next day you stand around doing nothing all day. Sometimes it’s a lot of hurry up and wait.
5. Have you done any other stunt work?
WMAC Masters, Michael Jackson's Ghosts, Blade 2, Dark Angel, and Stargate Atlantis
6. What’s coming up next?
Other than auditions and a few guest spots on "Days of Our Lives". I looking into two projects in development, a science fiction and the other a native american horror film with director Chris Eyre if all goes well with funding and the studios.
7. Is there a charity or event you would like to tell my readers about?
Yes its called The Actors Fund which is a nonprofit organization that assists anybody interested or involved in the performing arts. For more info go to:
I want to thank Rey-Phillip for his time doing this interview. It certainly is appreciated.
I hope you got a thrill out of Rey-Phillip's responses. I thought they were very great.
Until nex time.