I'm a huge fan of the 1990 Captain America movie. If you
had've told me I'd get the chance to interview the director, Albert
Pyun, I would've said you were crazy. With the new Captain America only months away from release I thought it would be fun to speak to Albert about his Cap movie, as well as a few other movies he's be involved in. The result makes for some very interesting reading. I hope you enjoy my interview with Albert
1. Which do you prefer, writing or directing? I love editing and mixing best of all. More so now that everything is digital. Worst parts are screenings (huge, unpleasant anxiety) and casting (rejecting actors who deserve better).
2. How did you get involved in directing the (1990) Captain America movie? Believe Captain America had been bouncing around the halls of Cannon the entire time I was there (1985-1988). Heard a lot about it and being a big CA fan as a kid, I was intrigued like any other comic book geek to know what was happening with it. i managed to get a copy of Stephen Tolkien's script which I heard was great...and it was. When Menahem split from Cannon, I lobbied for him to bring it with him to his new company. after that I heard the scuttlebutt around Menahem's 21st Century offices about how the license option would run out if the picture wasn't started right away. So I went to Menahem and pitched him my take on it and he gave me the green light...a fast green light. So that's how i got involved.
3. Please tell us a bit about the production of the Captain America movie. Well, there was never any real funding!! That was a nightmare. It became about survival and the movie suffered accordingly. But we had a very dedicated and resourceful producer (Tom Karnowski) who somehow kept it going. And a great crew led by DP Philip Alan Waters. We also had a strong Croat crew (then Yugoslavian) and a support and professional international cast. Everyone understood how tough the production was going so they were very hard working with no complaints. Scott Paulin (The Red Skull) in particular was my bedrock of support.
4. Can you tell us who auditioned for the role, apart from Matt Salinger? Mainly I remember Howie Long. 5. Was there any difficulty with the film? Just the lack of funding and Marvel was not very cooperative.
6. What was it like working with Jean Claude Van Damme? Well, he was young and not that experienced with acting or English language yet. So there were many adjustments.
7. Please tell us a bit about The Sword And The Sorcerer. It took Tom Karnowski, John Stuckmeyer and I four long years to get it made. That was really the most vivid memory. Trudging up and down Sunset Blvd trying to convince someone, anyone to make the movie. 8. What was it like to see this movie come to fruition? Pure joy and satisfaction initially which turned to bitterness once we started shooting. I had many conflicts with the producers over the film. 9. What is the appeal of directing? I see it as making movies. Something I've done regularly since I was ten years old. I just want to see ideas I have on the screen in a dark theater! It's such a thrill. 10. What's coming up next? We just released my Director's Cut of CYBORG (available at curnanpictures@gmail.com) and we're launching my director's cut of TICKER within a week or two (also at curnanpictures@gmail.com) so I'm getting the chance to revisit and hopefully rewrite the past. I'm readying my director's cuts of Captain America and Tales of an Ancient Empire for release as well as Road To Hell. I start shooting Infection 2 next month and then Cyborg Legacy - Rise of the Slingers. I want to thank Albert and Cynthia Curnan for their assistance with this interview. If you want to check out more about Albert Pyun's work please view via these links http://www.albertpyunmovies.com/ http://www.talesofanancientempire.com/ http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Albert-Pyun-Movies/172106871258?ref=ts http://twitter.com/AlbertPyunfilmshttp://www.myspace.com/albertpyun I had a ball doing this interview, and I hope the readers enjoyed it too. Please feel free to leave a comment below. Until next time!
Great interview! I have been a fan of Albert without ever knowing who he was. It was not until I started looking at my movie collection that I kept seeing his name pop up over and over again. I am currently hunting down all of the films I am missing to complete my library of his works.